7 Solar Marketing Strategies for 2024

Sofiia Rivera
Reading time: 15 min

As the world shifts towards sustainable energy solutions, the solar sector has witnessed unprecedented growth. This surge, while promising, has also greatly intensified competition in the market. Let’s face it: whether you’re a seasoned industry veteran or just entering the scene, effective solar marketing isn’t merely an option. It’s the cornerstone of sustainable success for your company.

Truly flourishing and standing out in this dynamic field is possible with strong and strategic marketing for solar companies. Here, you’ll reveal the ideal formula for that, finding out the seven best ways to perfectly promote your business online. These tried-and-true strategies and techniques will serve as your robust compass to help your company stay ahead of the rivalry in 2024.

Understanding the Solar Market

The growth of solar power in the USA has been nothing short of remarkable in recent years. It’s underpinned by the fact that solar panels have become an attractive investment for homeowners. Those who deal with high electricity prices, possess sun-soaked rooftops, and aspire to reduce their environmental footprint find this source of renewable energy particularly enticing.

Having a finely-tuned solar marketing plan is imperative to fully capitalize on this expanding field. The right marketing campaigns will be the linchpin for generating leads, boosting sales, and propelling your solar company to new heights.

Market Research

Before diving into the best digital marketing strategies, it’s crucial to conduct thorough market research. It’ll allow your solar business to:

  • Gain insights into your target audience, their needs, and preferences
  • Get a grasp of the market dynamics and understand your competition
  • Pinpoint unique value propositions

Such valuable information can become a robust basis, fueling more informed decisions. It’s especially crucial when it comes to companies dealing with the installation and maintenance of panels. With this knowledge, you can get the most out of any solar marketing techniques and ensure they perfectly cater to your audience.

Industry Trends

Another important thing to pay attention to is the trends shaping the industry. It all doesn’t stop at watching global market expansion and residential adoption. Currently, the most influential changes include:

  • The continued cost decline of components needed for panel installations (e.g., solar cells and inverters)
  • Increasing use of energy storage systems in conjunction with solar panels
  • Research and development of new materials 

Staying updated with these and other market shifts will help you further adapt your solar marketing efforts accordingly. Thus, you can maintain competitiveness in your field and ensure long-term success.

The marketing team analyses current industry trends

1. Building a Strong Online Presence

When you’re equipped with the latest industry insights and trends, it’s time to apply the strategies. Those focusing on maintaining a strong online presence are of the utmost importance. When the marketing plan for your solar energy company includes website optimization and paid ad campaigns, you can expect high visibility in search engines and improved brand awareness and credibility.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is about organic promotion in the SERPs (search engine results pages). When the emphasis is on this approach to solar marketing, your business can effectively bridge the gap with potential customers actively seeking solar solutions. Within the content marketing and SEO strategy, different techniques can be implemented to move your website up in search engines like Google. All of them can be categorized into three types:

  • Technical optimization (improving the site’s performance to make it crawlable, indexable, and user-friendly)
  • On-page SEO (optimizing content for users and search engines)
  • Off-page SEO (enhancing external factors influencing business visibility, credibility, and recognition)

SEO is a long-term strategy. The outcome of such marketing for solar panel companies depends on various factors (e.g., algorithm changes, the website’s state, etc.). Nevertheless, SEO delivers unpaid and sustainable traffic.

Keyword Research

Search queries like “solar companies in my area” are entered in search engines hundreds to thousands of times. Consequently, people actively seek solar services and related information, and some of them are ready to purchase. They’re on the verge of becoming your customers; all you need to do is ensure they can find your solar business.

Here, keyword research comes into play. It’s focused on finding relevant search terms using tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. When the best solar and renewable energy keywords are identified, they should be naturally incorporated into the content. Ultimately, your website will appear more often in the SERPs for the target audience, increasing its incoming traffic.

Ahrefs keyword "solar companies in" matching terms suggestions

Link Building

The thing is that you might not get very far with just keyword optimization. To strengthen your SERP position, your website needs a strong link profile. In other words, you need to build high-quality backlinks. Search bots see them as votes for the confidence and trustworthiness of your site. The more quality inbound links from other reputable resources, the better your online credibility and rankings.

Based on our experience, creating shareable content and guest blogging are the most prominent link-building techniques. However, when picking websites for link placement, it’s important to look at different metrics. Pay attention to DR, traffic movements, drops, or sudden increases in backlinks, etc.

Local SEO

For every company with a physical location, local SEO is paramount. It implies improving the visibility of your solar business in local search results. The following techniques can be implemented for that:

  • Determining location-based and service-based keywords
  • Publishing localized content
  • Optimizing your Google Business Profile
  • Getting listed on popular directories in your area and solar industry and keeping your NAP consistent across them

As a result, you’ll get ranked not only on organic “blue link” results but also on the “map pack” ones. It’ll be much easier for the potential customers in your vicinity to find you online. Consequently, you’ll develop brand awareness, build a loyal local customer base, and successfully grow your solar business.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Conversely to SEO, where organic rankings are built over time, PPC provides an immediate digital presence. This type of solar marketing can be viewed as a paid promotion channel. It allows any solar company to broaden its reach and quickly generate leads.

Often, pay-per-click advertising requires a considerable budget to begin receiving traffic. When it’s depleted, the flow of visitors ends. But when complemented by SEO, it can substantially boost the marketing of solar energy businesses, bringing much more beneficial results.

Google Ads

Using Google Ads is an excellent method to swiftly attract potential customers. These advertisements appear above the organic search results (marked “Ad” or “Sponsored”). They can be highly targeted, as you can set specific demographics and audience interests.

The concept of running such a campaign is simple: you bid on pertinent, valuable keywords. Your ads will be displayed in the SERPs for those users who entered them into the search box. A fee will be charged for each click. To make this approach work at its best, experiment with crafting compelling ad copy, integrate negative keywords and track performance.

Sponsored Google search results for the query "solar energy company"

Social Media Advertising

Leveraging social media as a part of your solar marketing strategy is a smart move. Different platforms open up many opportunities to interact with your audience, educate them on sustainable energy, provide customer service, and familiarize people more with your brand. What’s more, you can also run advertising campaigns to promote your products.

Social media marketing can include launching advertisements similar to those on Google Ads, tailored to your target audience. They can reach customers highly interested in solar energy solutions and fit the desired demographic. It’s a great idea to try diverse platforms to understand which one allows you to run the most effective ads.

2. Reputation Management for Solar Companies

Reputation management, an indispensable element of solar power marketing, means keeping your online public image supreme. The first thing here is developing search saturation.

You should aim at producing content about industry-related search terms and distributing it through various channels. They can be your site, social networks, or press release platforms. Thereby, you’ll demonstrate your reliability and competence.

The second thing is managing reviews. Providing excellent customer service is a direct way to encourage customers to leave feedback on your Google Business Profile. Respond to it promptly and politely (even to the negative reviews), and you’ll foster trust with potential clients and positively impact your local search ranking.

3. Lead Generation Techniques

Lead generation is the lifeblood of a thriving solar company, and it can make the difference between success and stagnation. Below, we’ll go over two unexpected yet proven solar marketing strategies that can supercharge your lead generation efforts. They’ll help you connect with new customers and drastically expand your client base.

Webinars & Workshops

Webinars and workshops provide a platform for educating people about solar energy, establishing your authority in the field, and bolstering trust. Include hosting these events in your solar energy marketing plan, and you’ll showcase your expertise while nurturing leads. You can organize “Solar 101” webinars, workshops on panel installation, sessions on solar tax incentives, or uncover other topics relevant to your audience.

Free Consultations

Free consultations can be a game-changer for your solar marketing. Offering them augments confidence in your brand and boosts the likelihood of converting leads into long-term clients. During consultations, it’s important to provide individual guidance, help people find solutions that cater to their specific needs, and address any concerns.

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4. Collaborations with Local Influencers & Business Partners

Collaborations bring mutual benefits. Such solar marketing initiatives can expand your business’s recognition by tapping into the influencer’s or partner’s established audience. They can also add to its trustworthiness, as recommendations from trusted figures carry significant weight.

Successful collaboration involves identifying influential figures whose values align with your brand. Influencers in the solar industry are often people or organizations with a strong online presence and a dedicated following interested in sustainable energy solutions. Business partners can include complementary companies in your sector, such as roofing contractors.

Then, you need to establish clear objectives for your partnership. Next goes crafting promotional campaigns (co-hosting webinars, joint promotions, or content co-creation). Maintain transparent communication and provide maximum value to the audience to get the most out of your cooperation.

5. Utilizing Infographics and Videos

Visual content is powerful, with infographics and videos being some of the most valuable solar marketing ideas. They help communicate difficult concepts in a concise and fascinating manner. Furthermore, they’re highly shareable and can go viral, attracting new audiences.

For the solar industry, presenting dry statistics in such a digestible format as an infographic can ease its perception. Through videos, you can showcase your successful projects and customer testimonials. Video content can be educational when you break down the complex process of installing solar panels. It’ll contribute to informing potential customers about your services and building authority.

6. Making Your Name Known with HARO

When it comes to solar marketing solutions directed at driving authority, HARO comes out as a potent tool. It stands for Help a Reporter Out, and its concept is simple: it helps reporters and media outlets seeking expert insights for their stories connect with sources who have those insights.

To get started with HARO, sign up as a source and subscribe to relevant categories. You’ll receive three emails a day. Regularly check them; when you find a fitting request, craft a concise and informative response. Successful HARO usage can result in media coverage, backlinks to your website, and heightened brand credibility.

7. Establishing Relationships via Email Marketing

Among all the digital marketing strategies, email marketing may seem like an outdated one, but it’s not. The number of email users is projected to increase to 4.73 billion in 2026. So, promotion through email can turn into a powerful facet of commercial solar marketing.

Email marketing allows for connecting directly with existing and potential customers. You can entice them to leave an email address through promotions or website sign-ups. Once you have an email list, craft content in the form of:

  • Informative newsletters
  • Industry updates
  • Special offers

Send emails from the official business address so they won’t be marked as spam. Personalize messages, keep them succinct, and add clear CTAs. Regular communication through email will help keep your company top-of-mind and convert leads into loyal customers.


Amidst the amplifying competition in the eco-conscious market, you do need a solid solar marketing arsenal. We’ve covered its key components to help grow your solar business and make it shine online. Now, your success is just a few innovative strategies away!

Frequently Asked Questions on Solar Marketing Strategy

How Do You Promote Solar Products?

Promoting solar products effectively requires a well-structured solar marketing strategy. Our approach is based on SEO and starts with comprehensive research. We discuss your goals, explore your niche and competition, and audit your website.

Then, we come up with a tailored SEO strategy. Depending on your objectives, it can consist of:

  • Optimizing the technical side
  • Producing quality content enriched with relevant keywords
  • Building your link profile

In the long run, your solar company can secure the desired rankings and become more visible to targeted clients. Hence, your business will generate more revenue and steadily grow online.

What Are the 4 P’s of Marketing for Solar Companies?

The 4 P’s of marketing for solar businesses are product, price, place, and promotion. They present a useful matrix to assess solar power projects. All marketing initiatives should address each of the 4 P’s. You need to define your products, set competitive yet affordable prices, select the right distribution channels, and create effective promotional strategies. By balancing these four elements, you’ll get well-rounded marketing that best resonates with your audience.

What Is the Most Effective Form of Solar Advertising?

Indeed, the most effective form is SEO. This solar marketing campaign, when implemented correctly, delivers a lasting impact, providing you with a high amount of targeted website traffic. Moreover, SEO is a perfectly suitable promotion solution when the budget is limited. It’s cost-effective and ensures that your marketing efforts continue to drive results over time.

Do Solar Salespeople Make Money?

Yes, solar salespeople can make a substantial income. With the increasing demand for solar solutions, sales opportunities abound. Salespeople are often offered salary and commission-based pay structures. It makes this role a potentially lucrative career choice.

Success in the field depends on industry knowledge, sales skills, and the ability to effectively connect with customers. On average, solar sales representatives in the USA earn $166,641 a year. An hourly rate is approximately $80.

Sofiia Rivera
SEO specialist

I’m a digital marketing expert specializing in SEO for solar companies. Let’s cooperate and make your online presence vibrant and stay ahead of the competitors!